Moonfame’s famous summer camps encourage fitness and health by providing engaging physical activity formats. Our camps are also offered during school term!
6 weeks Accredited Group Summer Courses by NOVEL
Support your High School student this summer with our special 6-week Accredited Summer Programs, now available as a group learning experience! Whether you’re looking to catch up, add weight to your GPA, explore your interests, or boost your resume, our Summer Programs are perfect for you!
Dates: July 5 to August 20
Minimum : 4 students
4 times a week
4pm t o 5pm Saudi timing
Location : Online
Fun with Design: Homes
In every culture, homes are built in response to surrounding cultures and natural environments. In this activity, we build miniature homes that represent different cultures and environments from around the world.
Age : 7 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa
Survival Camp
In this camp, we will retrieve some of the survival skills that our ancestors mastered to sustain their lives. Participants learn about ecological skills for wildland living, such as reading the weather, finding water and food, navigation, selecting campsites, building shelter, making fire, crafting tools, identifying plants, and tracking animals, as well as wilderness first aid. They will also learn about cultural uses of animals and plants, rocks, and soil.
Age : 5 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa
Sand Sculptures
In this workshop, participants connect with sea animals by crafting sand sculptures that illustrate various species. They will also learn about the animals’ lives, behaviors, adaptations, and ecological roles; and they will learn to enjoy and appreciate these animals as fellow creatures.
Age : 5 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa
خير الكلام
هدهد سليمان.. وفيل أبرهة.. وحوت يونس.. وسفينة نوح.. وعنكبوت الغار.. وخندق المدينة، قصص من القرآن ننقلها بطريقة ملموسة ونعيش تفاصيلها فنحلق بالهدهد في الأرجاء ونأخذ الفيل في رحلة من جنوب الجزيرة وصولاً لمكة ونُدخل الحيوانات لسفينة نوح، ونبني بيت العنكبوت لحماية سيد البشر، ونحفر الخندق معاً، كل هذا لنعيش التفاصيل ونبقى في ذاكرتنا.
Age : ٤-١٢ سنة
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : مدارات رمضانية
Eco-Adventure Camp
In this camp, participants learn to visit various Arabian ecosystems safely and responsibly, explore the natural history of each place they visit, and revive some basic survival skills of local cultures. By learning traditional outdoor sports, such as riding and archery, and by practicing wildland ethics, participants will also build their confidence and learn to take care of themselves, their companions, and their riding animals and gear. They become competent back-country travelers and ethical caretakers of the land.
Age : 10 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa
Habitat Gardens
Connects participants with the natural world by hands on projects that attract wildlife to their back yards. Participants will learn about animals’ lives, behaviors, adaptations, and ecological roles while building a connection that is full of joy, appreciation, and respect.
Age : 5 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa
Head and Face Mask
Participants will learn to appreciate different animals by crafting paper bag face masks. Afterwards, they will use their masks to emulate the creatures’ movements in the way they walk, crawl, fly, or swim. They will also emulate the behaviors and relationships of these animals – like how to raise offspring, seek shelter, and cooperate and compete as predators and prey.
Age : 5 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa
فكِر.. فكِر
أنشطة إبداعية تتطلب الحركة والتفكير من خلال أنشطة تحفيز التفكير من خلال أسئلة تتطلب من الطفل إعطاء أجوبة بسيطة وتتطلب منه إبداء رأيه بالأمور العادية، منتقلين لحل المشكلات بطرق مختلفة من حول الطفل كتحريك الكرسي أو نقله لمكان مختلف مع توفير أدوات بسيطة تساعده على استنتاج إجابات جديدة، مره نحل المشاكل من خلال الألوان ومره من خلال بناء برج بالصلصال، أو نبتكر رجل آلي ليساعدنا في نقل بعض الأدوات.
Age : ٤-١٢ سنة
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : مدارات رمضانية
Leadership & Teambuilding by Nature
Leaders around the world strive for care and compassion, integrity and accountability, passion, commitment, creativity, and good communication and decision-making skills. Through our nature-inspired physically and mentally active activities, we help participants discover the qualities of leadership within themselves, discover each other’s hidden talents, express confidence, challenge each other, grow out of their comfort zones, and work with others to achieve common goals.
Age : 5 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa
Tending the Earth Camp
Tending the Earth Camp teaches participants to be the stewards who care for the land and the life it harbors. Participants learn how to grow plants by traditional and innovative methods. They learn about plant forms and patterns, plant behavior, garden cultivation, invasive species, beneficial insects, insect and plant life cycles, plant identification, animal husbandry, and cultural uses of plants.
Age : 5 years and up
Location : Riyadh
Camp provider : Ecoclub ksa